Thursday, February 4, 2010

Holy Eskimo!

It has been forever since I have much in my life has changed and continues to do so in this Miller House will never be the same.....

My girls are my crazy girls....My rocks, my loyalty, my CHOIR, my DIVAS, and my ROCKSTARS.....they give me strength more than they'll ever even know.  They bring smiles, wipe tears, lend me shoulders, provide helping hands and hearts......they are my everything.  I would not be the same without them. 

This year will change....and yet it will strengthen me the same.....until next time....

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Been awhile....a new look at the Plaza...

Been awhile since I have been on here....wanted to share some pics a friend of mine took of the Plaza....Hope you enjoy as much as I did...

Friday, November 28, 2008

Three M's

Mom's Tree..
...My Tree...(which looks like a Charlie Brown compared to Mom's!)
...And Max!